Just returned from a week in Tanzania and Kenya arranged by Acces2Innovation for DANIDA. We were there with a number of other danish companies, all seeking collaborators and new business opportunities.

For our part it was a very interesting trip with a lot of exciting contacts – from NGO’s to public corporations to private companies and investors. The opportunities are interesting and the demand for solutions especially regarding electricity and water supply in offgrid areas are great.

Concretely we’re now engaging in – to start with informal – partnerships in order to create some breeding ground for further cooporation on service and assembly facilities, marketing and distribution. We expect to intensify the network creating activities in the autumn when the first live test of our battery solution has been succesfully carried out in Kenya this summer.

The following pictures depict some of the impressions I had during the trip.


Villages in offgrid areas need electricity and water

Mobile phones are very disseminated and the mobile payment system called M-Pesa is used by the majority as their way of payment
I had a number of interesting meetings with different local companies – here Deborah from CX Power Ltd.
This group of people from the network PartnersBrain represented different companies in Kenya who wish to invest in new innovative companies
Finally we also had some meetings with the danish embassies in Tanzania and Kenya. Here it’s ambassador Ejnar Jensen from the danish embassy in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.