My last week in Africa has come and I went to see the families who has been using the batteries since my last visit. Overall a positive feedback but with minor issues, that has been resolved in the new version of the battery, from China.
I went to see a Musket primary School, but due to holiday, the school was closed. So I visited the school viceprincipal, Wilfred, who showed me his family home and land.
Wednesday I went on a 4,5 hour walk up a valley with my guide, Tifus. Steep gravel roads and water supplies running low, can make anyone tired.
I understand why distribution here is difficult, and some people walk this way to work everyday!
With an increase of 1200 meters, we finally reached the top, and I bought us lunch at the “Samich Lodge”. Next time I want my family to experience the view from the top with me.
Yesterday, I participated on a workshop at a technical school in Eldoret. Over 100 students was gathered, to hear me speak about PP-Power, our ideas and challenges. A positive outcome and many of the students wants to be involved with PP-Power´s distribution, sales and service here in Africa.