I arrived in Kenya last Wednesday.

On the bus, going to my hotel, I sat next to a danish man named Jørgen, who runs a small NGO.

Jørgen (in the middle)

He collects used school and hospital equipment from Denmark and sends it to small villages in Africa. We arranged a meeting friday, where we talked about a future collaboration and I got some recommendations for potential business partners.

A power cut that evening, handed me the opportunity to look at the many stars on the sky. Too many to count 😉

Steen and guide - Kilimanjaro National Park

Saturday I went to Kilimanjaro National Park. 10 km and some much needed workout later, the guide brought me to the first stop, on the way to Africas highest mountain top.

After a 12 hour long bus ride, I am back in Nairobi sunday, where I prepare myself for the upcoming Enpact Workshop the following week.

– Steen